

I’m AlexP, live in Vegas, originally from Europe, been interested and involved with music, electronics and computers all my life.

Education: BS Electrical Engineering, MS Computer Science 
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista 
Software: C/C++, C#, MMX, SSE, Real-time image processing, Video compression, Windows WDM video capture driver, Sound processing, modeling & 
synthesis, WPF, XNA, Game design, UI design, Adobe Flex, Innovative multitouch interfaces 
Hardware: Custom DSP boards with TI DM642, BlackFin, PIC, AVR, ARM, FPGA, MIDI interfacing

I have built a few tables using FTIR and DI. Done some experiments with capacitive multitouch sensing (similar to SmartSkin) with positive results. Experimented with various micron wire grids in order to minimize its visibility in front of the LCD screen.

Currently exploring other multitouch sensing concepts:

– Improved version (higher resolution with less HSDL-9100 sensors) of ThinSight for IR proximity sensing behind the LCD screen 
– IR laser beam application (LLP) for large low-cost multitouch displays for interactive art installations, storefronts, shopping and social interaction. 
– WPF based UI multitouch framework

13 Responses to “About”

  1. Hi Alex, it’s fantastic that you’re taking the time to develop this great driver. Unfortunately, it’s not working 100% on my Vista SP1 / Macbook Pro (2.5Ghz Rev E) setup. Running at 640x480x30 results in the video feed turning black after a few seconds. There are no other devices on the USB bus at the time. Interestingly, I get the feeling this is somehow related to bandwidth, because the problem does not occur in 320x240x30 (or 60). I’m very interested in knowing your take on this as I’m looking to use this camera in a multi-touch project.

  2. Hi Alex,
    By doing some research on multitouch display application we’ve discovered the NUI Group blog site http://nuigroup.com/forums/viewthread/2173/ with some really interesting applications where Point Grey Firefly MV cameras are being used.

    We are always looking for interesting application stories to publish in industry magazines or our own Monthly Newsletter. I was wondering whether you could provide some input on the multitouch projects you have developed and if you would be interested in being featured. I’ve seen some of the videos you have on your site, but couldn’t find any further information such as a datasheet, brochure, technical document etc.

    Many thanks in advance. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

  3. Today the PS3EyeLib.dll was reported as malware Win32:Trojan-gen {Other} type*: Virus/Worm – VPS version 081201-0, 01.12.2008 in the free edition avast! virus checker. Maybe you want to check that up?

  4. Hello dear Alex,

    First of all I’ve gotta thank you for your GREAT PS3 driver and the fabulous work you’ve done in LLP’s field!

    Actually I had some question to ask and I thought you could help me (and I’d be very greatful to have your help)
    I’m in a tight schedule to build my LLP based setup! so I wanted to ask you some questions as an expert in this field:

    1. First of all I wanted to know what was your IR Laser Modules model and brand and… I’d be very pleased if you provide me URL links of your IR Laser Diode, its circuit and power supply!

    2. What was thatLine Generator Lens that you used in your projects? (120 degree one) and please give me links to it!

    3. Is Thorlabs IR Laser Modules OK in your opinion? (http://www.thorlabs.com/NewGroupPage9.cfm?ObjectGroup_ID=1487) apart from being high in price, are the 808nm ones a good module for LLP setups?

    4. You said that you’re using a 150 degree lens for your camera! I wondered what would be it’s distortion level and if you could provide me a raw image of the camera to see its level of distortion!

    5. And as you’e seen PS3’s Lens has <%1 distortion with 75 degree of viewing angle! which give a perfect image in the end! so I wanted to know what would be the most ideal lens with a non-sucking level of distortion?

    Thanks again Alex, and please help me as soon as possible ’cause I truly need your help in short time!
    Anyway thank you in advance, I’d be very greatful to have your greatful helps!

    Kiarash Akhlaghi

  5. Alex,

    I’m trying to use my Playstation 3 Eye as webcam on Justin.TV. I’ve downloaded the software. I have the PS3Eye Test App icon on my desktop. However, everytime I try to broadcast on justin.tv, it says “no cameras detected”. Do you have any advice? Thanks in advance!

  6. You speak Croatian? I have some questions…

  7. Hey, I’m working on a science project and if you don’t mind I would like the source to the “touchlib ps3eye” Binary. You can contact me about it @ mttsproject@gmail.com

  8. Hey, man! Great Work!
    I am trying to make it work under VideoGrabber, OpenFrameworks, but I got the message “Can not find preview pin”, amy ideas, thanks very mutch! Pls, drop a line, if you have time , cheers

    take care

  9. Can it work with oovoo?

  10. Could you please send me the driver for the PS3 EYE because the link to it is not working.

  11. Heey Alex,

    Could you please help me a bit ? I downloaded ur app and the drivers with the testing gear. It works and everything. It even works in the MSN OPTIONS !

    BUT ! : not in msn itselt.. i cant start the cam and others can’t so thats no fun? Do you know a solution?
    Other question is: When i go to the app of the cam that you made.. and i set the frame to higher then 15fps on 320x… its slow.. i mean .. if i move.. and talk .. in the video i move much faster.. and my voice is comin later.

    Do you know any solutions ? Or what am i doin wrong? I only want to use it on msn .. nothing more..

    Kind regards,

    Ramón van Hout
    plz send me an email

  12. Hi Alex,
    Thank you for your greatest PS3 Cam driver. I want to know that can I connect it with the wireless wifi router to become a IP Cam??

  13. Pozdrav alex, predpostavljam da se razumijemo. Kćer me zamolila da joj osposobim PSEye na laptopu, malo sam proguglao i našao driver koji je napravila tvrtka Code Laboratories. Radi ok, kamera funkcionira. Da li bi svoj drive predpostavio njihovom?

    Srdačan pozdrav, Nenad Severin

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